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The long-awaited water-fighting season has officially begun on the Wenatchee River!  This coveted time of the year is the signal that the weather has warmed up substantially in the Wenatchcee River Valley.  With the warmer weather, now is the time to get on the river with friends, family, and/or co-workers and completely soak them to the bone with cold, crisp, clean river water from the Wenatchee River.  This is the perfect time of the season to get on the river; the combination of hot temperatures, great river levels, and the gorgeous veiw of green hillsides makes for an amazingly fun day on the river.  The Wenatchee River is the perfect first-time whitewater river rafting experience for entry-level rafting, yet fun enough that even the seasoned veteran rafter will have an amazingly fun day on the river too.  What other way is there to reconnect with the others in your life, but to get on the river, paddle thru the whitewater, and completely drench your loved ones with a bucket of water over their head?  Remember, there are no cellphones on the river and there is no WI-Fi, so the whitewater river rafting on the Wenatchee River near Leavenworth is a great way to experience life and share memories with the ones in your life you care about.

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